PRESS RELEASE      31. 10. 2024

Toll revenues exceeded CZK 12.8 billion in three quarters of this year

Prague, 31 October 2024 – Revenues from toll collection from vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 tons reached 1.47 billion Czech crowns. Year-on-year, this means the growth of 16.7 %. Revenues from tolls, which go to the budget of the State Transport Infrastructure Fund, exceeded CZK 12.8 billion since the beginning of the year.

In September, CzechToll posted the fourth highest monthly toll collection since the beginning of the year. This was also due to the fact that the public holiday on 28 September fell on a Saturday this year, giving September one working day extra. In the year-on-year comparison, the growth is mainly driven by the new CO2 emissions charge, which carriers have been paying since March.

Of the total toll collection for the three quarters of this year, CZK 1.458 billion (11.4%) is attributable to tolls for driving on toll sections of 1st category roads. The remaining CZK 11.3 billion was paid by carriers for driving on motorways.

As at the end of August 872 thousand vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons were registered in the electronic toll system, of which over 690 thousand vehicles had foreign license plate numbers. For these registered vehicles, CzechToll issued 657 thousand on-board units to carriers.

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