PRESS RELEASE      19. 02. 2025

Toll collection in January exceeded 1.48 billion crowns

Prague, 19 February 2025 - In the first month of 2025, carriers paid CZK 1.48 billion in tolls, up 20% year-on-year. The year-on-year increase is due to the introduction of a fourth component of toll rates - the CO2 emissions charge - since March […]
PRESS RELEASE      21. 01. 2025

In 2024 carriers paid 17.16 billion crowns in tolls, the significant growth was brought about by the introduction of the CO2 emission charge

Prague, 21 January 2025 – In 2024 revenues from toll collection reached 17.161 billion crowns. They increased by 15% year-on-year, mainly due to the introduction of the new CO2 emission charge, which will account for approximately 15% of the […]
PRESS RELEASE      16. 12. 2024

Toll collection will be launched on 125 km of new roads and motorways starting from 1 January 2025

Prague, 16 December 2024 – Carriers paid 1.54 billion crowns for driving on toll roads in November. Toll collections increased by 15% year-on-year, mainly due to the introduction of the fourth component of toll charges involving the CO2 emissions […]
PRESS RELEASE      10. 12. 2024

The toll service web portal for carriers is changing its domain: From 1 January 2025, it will be available at

Prague, 10 December 2024 – The web portal of the Electronic Toll System in the Czech Republic is going to  be available at a new web domain from 1 January 2025. Instead of the existing, carriers from all over Europe can find […]
PRESS RELEASE      03. 12. 2024

The satellite toll system in the Czech Republic has operated for 5 years,its audited efficiency on motorways reaching 99.92%

Prague, 3 December 2024 – The satellite toll system, which was built and successfully launched on 1 December 2019 by CzechToll and SkyToll, celebrated its 5-year anniversary since its launch. The new toll collection technology was launched […]
PRESS RELEASE      19. 11. 2024

Toll revenues exceeded CZK 1.6 billion in October for the first time in history 

Prague, 19 November 2024 - Carriers paid CZK 1.617 billion in tolls in October, up 17.7 % year-on-year. The toll revenues exceeded CZK 1.6 billion for the first time in history. Since the beginning of this year, CzechToll has collected CZK 14.451 […]
PRESS RELEASE      31. 10. 2024

Toll revenues exceeded CZK 12.8 billion in three quarters of this year

Prague, 31 October 2024 – Revenues from toll collection from vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 tons reached 1.47 billion Czech crowns. Year-on-year, this means the growth of 16.7 %. Revenues from tolls, which go to the […]
PRESS RELEASE      18. 09. 2024

Toll collection since the beginning of the year has exceeded CZK 11 billion, half of which has been paid by foreign carriers

Prague, 18 September 2024 – Carriers paid 1.376 billion crowns for driving on toll roads in total. This was up 13% year-on-year, although this August had one less working day than August 2023. As a result, the number of toll transactions fell […]
PRESS RELEASE      22. 08. 2024

More working days in July brought a 25% year-on-year increase in toll collection, carriers paid CZK 1.47 billion

Prague, 22 August 2024 – Compared to last year, this July had three more working days. This has had a significant impact on the amount of tolls collected for the use of roads and motorways by lorries. Carriers paid almost CZK 1.47 billion, up 25% […]
PRESS RELEASE      11. 07. 2024

Carriers paid CZK 8.5 billion in tolls in the first half of the year, up 13.5% year-on-year

Prague, 11 July 2024 – Toll collections for using roads and motorways by lorries grew throughout the first half of this year. In June, carriers paid a total of CZK 1.462 billion, almost a tenth more than in June 2023. Toll collections for the […]
PRESS RELEASE      22. 05. 2024

In April, carriers paid CZK 1.543 billion in tolls, the CO2 emission charge exceeded CZK 233 million

Prague, 22 May 2024 – Toll collection from vehicles weighing over 3.5 tonnes increased by 34% year-on-year in April. The reason for the unusually high increase is not only the new CO2 emission charge, but also the 3 extra working days compared to […]
PRESS RELEASE      19. 04. 2024

Toll collection in March exceeded CZK 1.49 billion, the new CO2 emission charge brought in almost CZK 184 million

Prague, 19 April 2024 - In March carriers paid the total amount of CZK 1.49 billion for using roll roads and motorways. Thus, year-on-year the toll collection increased by 9.5%. The number of toll transactions fell by 4% year-on-year to almost 98 […]
PRESS RELEASE      20. 03. 2024

Toll collection up 10% in February, also improved by leap year

Prague, 20 March 2024 - In February carriers paid for using roll roads and motorways the amount of CZK 1.29 billion. Year-on-year toll collection thus increased by 10 percent. In addition to the recovery in freight transport, the extra day obtained […]
PRESS RELEASE      20. 02. 2024

Costs of operating the toll system for the entire year 2023 remained the same at the level of 7 percent

Prague, 20 February 2024 – The costs of operation, maintenance and development of the electronic toll system in 2023 reached 1.05 billion Czech crowns. With the annual collection of CZK 14.914 billion, the costs remained at 7 percent of the toll […]
PRESS RELEASE      15. 02. 2024

Notification for vehicle operators with regards to the Electronic Toll System: in the Finder you can check if a vehicle qualifies for another CO2 emission class

Prague, 15 February 2024 – Vehicles registered in the Electronic Toll System will automatically qualify for the basic 1st CO2 emission class as of 1 March 2024. For vehicles first registered after 1 July 2019, operators can check the registration […]
PRESS RELEASE      01. 02. 2024


ITIS Holding, a leader in traffic technologies that is part of PPF Group and owner of CzechToll, announces that it will fully acquire VITRONIC, a leading German traffic technology and automation provider, for an undisclosed consideration. More […]
PRESS RELEASE      18. 01. 2024

Toll collection in 2023 remained just below the threshold of 15 billion Czech crowns, which represented an increase by 0.4 percent year-on-year

Prague, 18 January 2024 – In 2023 carriers paid a total of 14.914 billion crowns in tolls for vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons. The collection increased year-on-year by nearly 61 million crowns, or by 0.41 percent. A slight growth in toll […]
PRESS RELEASE      15. 01. 2024

Toll rates for vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons will include a new CO2 emission charge component from 1 March 2024

Prague, 15 January 2024 – The electronic toll system in the Czech Republic is introducing a new toll charge component from 1 March 2024, which will take into account the CO2 emissions of vehicles subject to toll payment. The adjustment is being […]
PRESS RELEASE      18. 12. 2023

The CzechToll satellite toll system celebrated its fourth birthday in December, collecting an average of 1.149 billion crowns in tolls per month

Prague, 18 December 2023 – The CzechToll satellite toll system celebrated its fourth birthday on December 1st. In the course of 48 months of its operation, since 1 December 2019, it has collected tolls in the amount of over 55 billion crowns. The […]
PRESS RELEASE      16. 11. 2023

Two extra working days brought year-on-year growth of 6% in toll collection in October

Prague, 16 November 2023 – October this year had 22 working days, 2 more than October 2022. Carriers used these two days to transport goods and people on toll roads in the Czech Republic - and the result is a year-on-year increase in tolls by 6.3 […]
PRESS RELEASE      18. 10. 2023

In September carriers paid 1.26 billion Czech crowns in tolls, which represented a year-on-year decrease of 2.5 percent

Prague, 18 October 2023 - In September carriers paid the total of 1.26 billion crowns for driving on toll roads. Year-on-year, toll collection in September thus decreased by 2.5 percent. The number of toll transactions also decreased (year-on-year […]
PRESS RELEASE      12. 09. 2023

Toll collection stagnates, yet in the first 8 months of this year it exceeded the annual revenue of 2016

Prague, 12 September 2023 – The toll collection from vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3.5 tons is stagnating. In the first 8 months of 2023, carriers paid CZK 9.897 billion in tolls, only CZK 7.5 million more than in the […]
PRESS RELEASE      14. 08. 2023

Toll collection in July exceeded 1.175 billion crowns

Prague, 14 August 2023 - In July carriers paid 1.175 billion Czech crowns for driving on toll roads. The amount of collection grew by 0.87 percent year-on-year, and the number of toll transactions increased by 0.15 percent year-on-year to 88.3 […]
PRESS RELEASE      18. 07. 2023

For the first half of this year, carriers paid 7.5 billion Czech crowns in tolls

Prague, 18 July 2023 - In the first six months of this year, carriers paid almost 7.5 billion crowns on tolls. This is almost the same result as in 2022, when the toll collection was only 0.15 percent lower. At the end of the first half of the […]
PRESS RELEASE      19. 06. 2023

Toll collection decreased slightly in May, carriers paid 1.318 billion crowns

Prague, 19 June 2023 – May thus became the third month this year in which the CzechToll satellite toll system recorded a slight year-on-year drop in collection. Specifically, carriers paid CZK 1.318 billion for the use of toll roads, up 1 percent […]
PRESS RELEASE      22. 05. 2023

Toll collection fell year-on-year in April, carries had one less working day for transporting

Prague, 22 May 2023 – In April, the CzechToll satellite toll system recorded more than 87 million toll transactions. The expansion of the toll road network has resulted in more than one million more transactions than in April 2022. The toll […]
PRESS RELEASE      20. 04. 2023

In March, carries paid 1.36 billion Czech crowns in tolls, for the entire first quarter the collection grew by one percent year-on-year

Prague, 20 April 2023 – Operators of vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons paid 1.36 billion crowns in tolls in March. This is a comparable collection as in 2022 (slight growth of 0.6 percent). The number of toll transactions increased by 4.6 […]
PRESS RELEASE      15. 03. 2023

Toll collection was flat year-on-year in February, carriers paid 1.173 billion crowns

Prague, 15 March 2023 - In February carriers paid the total amount of CZK 1.173 billion for driving on toll roads. Year-on-year, the toll collection thus fell by 0.6 percent. Number of toll transactions, on the other hand, increased by 3 percent to […]
PRESS RELEASE      21. 02. 2023

The new sections of the D35 motorway significantly eased the burden on the municipalities on the I/35 road, over 66,000 lorries travelled along the new motorway in January

Prague, 21 February 2023 – After the decline in December, toll collection returned to growth in the first month of 2023. Carriers paid 1.16 billion Czech crowns for using toll roads, up 3.4 percent year-on-year. The newly opened section of the […]
PRESS RELEASE      25. 01. 2023


Prague, 25 January 2023 – The company CzechToll of the ITIS Holding group received the information from the National Motorway Company of Slovakia about the resolution of comments of unsuccessful bidders in the tender procedure for […]
PRESS RELEASE      24. 01. 2023

With carriers who paid 14.85 billion Czech crowns in tolls last year, with costs under 7 percent, the Czech toll system is the world’s best

Prague, 24 January 2023 - For the whole year 2022 carriers paid 14.85 billion Czech crowns more for using  toll roads, or 4.6 percent more than in 2021. The total costs for the operation and development of the system remained below the […]
PRESS RELEASE      22. 12. 2022

From 1 January 2023, there will be several adjustments in the toll road network, the most fundamental of which are on the new motorway of D35 and D1 near Prague

Prague, 22 December 2022 – Another section of the D35 motorway under construction will be commissioned during these days. On the new section between Časy and Ostrov, which measures a total of 14.7 kilometres, CzechToll will start collecting […]
PRESS RELEASE      24. 11. 2022

On the newly opened Olbramovic bypass, the CzechToll toll system recorded 132 thousand toll transactions in October

Prague, 24 November 2022 – In October, carriers paid a total of 1.29 billion Czech crowns for driving on toll roads, which is almost the same amount as was prescribed to carriers in September. The year-on-year growth in toll collection slowed […]
PRESS RELEASE      24. 10. 2022

In September carriers paid 1.29 billion Czech crowns in tolls, which represented a year-on-year growth of 6.3 percent

Prague, 24 October 2022 – During September, carriers paid a total of 1.29 billion crowns, 6.3 percent more than in September 2021. The number of toll transactions increased by 8 percent in September to almost 100 million. The increase in toll […]
PRESS RELEASE      22. 09. 2022

Lorries from 51 countries drove on Czech roads in August

Prague, 22 September 2022 – The export orientation of the Czech economy and its location in the centre of Europe contribute to the fact that the Czech Republic is a part of important transport routes in Europe. In August, in addition to vehicles […]
PRESS RELEASE      24. 08. 2022

In July carriers paid 1.165 billion crowns in tolls

Prague, 24 August 2022 – Year-on-year growth in toll collection slowed to 1.65 percent in the first holiday month, carriers paid 1.165 billion crowns for driving on toll roads. The number of toll transactions increased by 0.6 percent year-on-year […]
PRESS RELEASE      19. 07. 2022

During the first half of the year, carriers paid 7.5 billion crowns in tolls, more than half of the fees were paid by foreign carriers

Prague, 19 July 2022 – The toll collection from vehicles with a maximum weight of over 3.5 tonnes grew year-on-year throughout the first half of the year. In total, carriers paid 7.5 billion crowns in tolls in the first six months of 2022 (growth […]
PRESS RELEASE      15. 06. 2022

Toll collection grew by 10% in May, carriers paid 1.3 billion crowns – as of July additional 1st category roads will be charged

Prague, 15 June 2022 - After a hesitant April, which brought a slight decrease in the number of toll transactions, carriers returned to toll roads. In the fifth month, tolls on toll roads totalled CZK 1.311 billion (up 10.25% year-on-year). The […]
PRESS RELEASE      19. 05. 2022

The number of toll transactions fell year-on-year in April for the first time since last year’s lockdowns; the amount of collected tolls still rose by 0.66% year-on-year

Prague, 19 May 2022 - In April, carriers paid 1.189 billion Czech crowns for the use of toll roads, up 0.66 percent year-on-year. Toll revenue grew despite a decline in the number of toll transactions. The number of issued on-board units exceeded […]
PRESS RELEASE      13. 04. 2022

Toll exemption with aid to Ukraine did not bring a financial slump, while March brought the highest monthly toll collection in history

Prague, 13 April 2022 - In March carriers drove the toll road charges to the total amount of 1.353 billion crowns. As a result year-on-year tolls increased by 5.35%. The number of toll transactions increased by 0.9% year-on-year to 98 million in […]
PRESS RELEASE      14. 03. 2022

In February CzechToll collected 1.18 billion crowns, the number of toll transactions increased by 4 percent year on year

Prague, 14 March 2022 - The number of passages of vehicles weighing more than 3.5 tons on toll roads increased in February as well. The toll system recorded almost 84 million toll transactions, i.e. 4 percent more than in February 2021. Carriers […]
PRESS RELEASE      04. 03. 2022

PPF together with partner Matej Okáli consolidate four technology companies into its new ITIS Holding group: it will focus on the development of toll services and innovation in intelligent traffic management to support sustainability and climate protection

Prague, 4 March 2022 - PPF Group announced its intention to consolidate four technology companies from the Czech Republic and Slovakia under one strong brand. The newly established ITIS Holding will become the 100% owner of the operators of […]
PRESS RELEASE      16. 02. 2022

Toll collection was higher by 5 percent in January, carriers paid 1.1 billion Czech crowns

Prague, 16 February 2022 - The CzechToll toll system recorded 80 million toll transactions in January, i.e. 2.3 percent more than in January 2021. In the first month of 2022, the carriers paid a total of CZK 1.123 billion in tolls for using toll […]
PRESS RELEASE      09. 02. 2022

CzechToll submitted an offer in the tender for the supply of a part of the electronic toll system in Slovakia

Prague, 9 February 2022 - CzechToll received from the Slovak National Motorway Company minutes from the opening of bids in the tender procedure for "Building an electronic toll system and providing technical support services". CzechToll submitted […]
PRESS RELEASE      18. 01. 2022

Toll collection in 2021 exceeded 14 billion crowns, the total cost of operation and development of the system did not exceed 1 billion Czech crowns

Prague, 18 January 2022 - Changes in the structure of toll rates effective from 1 January 2021 secured the highest toll collection in history last year. For the whole year carriers paid 14.198 billion Czech crowns more for using toll roads, or 23 […]
PRESS RELEASE      13. 12. 2021

Toll collection in November increased by 22 percent year on year, for the first time in history it exceeded 1.3 billion crowns for one month

Prague, 13 December 2021 – November became the month with the highest toll collection this year and in the entire history of electronic toll collection in the Czech Republic since 2007. Carriers paid 1.307 billion crowns for driving on toll […]
PRESS RELEASE      11. 11. 2021

Growth in toll collection slowed in October, carriers paid 1.241 billion Czech crowns

Prague, 11 November 2021 - Year-on-year growth in toll collection slowed in October, although it maintained a double-digit pace. Carriers paid 1.241 billion crowns for using toll roads, 11.8 percent more than in October 2020. For the first ten […]
PRESS RELEASE      13. 10. 2021

In September carriers paid tolls in the amount of 1.216 billion Czech crowns, CZK, the number of toll transactions increased by 1 percent

Prague, 13 October 2021 - In September CzechToll recorded the third highest toll collection this year on the toll road network. Operators of vehicles weighing over 3.5 tonnes paid a total of CZK 1.216 billion for tolls, up 16.3% year-on-year. As […]
PRESS RELEASE      16. 09. 2021

The number of toll transactions increased by 6.6 percent year on year in August, carriers paid 1.117 billion Czech crowns in tolls

Prague, 16 September 2021 - Carriers paid 1.117 billion Czech crowns in August for using toll roads. The year-on-year growth in toll collection thus exceeded 22%. The growth in the toll collection was due to changes in the structure of toll rates […]
PRESS RELEASE      18. 08. 2021

The summer brought a traditional decline in toll collection, in July carriers paid 1.146 billion Czech crowns

Prague, 18 August 2021 - The beginning of the summer holidays brought, as every year, a month-on-month decline in toll collection. Compared to June, carriers paid 109 million Czech crowns less for the use of toll roads in July - a total of 1.146 […]
PRESS RELEASE      15. 07. 2021

In June carriers paid 1.256 billion Czech crowns, for the first half of the year the collected amount exceeded 7 billion Czech crowns

Prague, 13 July 2021 - In the first six months of this year, the toll collection from vehicles weighing over 3.5 tonnes reached 7.084 billion crowns. Compared to the first half of 2020, it was almost 29% more. In addition to the adjustment in toll […]
PRESS RELEASE      10. 06. 2021

Toll collection grew in May with carriers paying 1.207 billion Czech crowns

Prague, June 10, 2021 - In contrast with the decrease of the economy in 2020, the May toll collection brought a year-on-year growth of almost 42%. This is the second highest toll collection since the beginning of this year. The fact that the […]
PRESS RELEASE      31. 05. 2021

News: Slovenia will use a top solution successfully proven in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: SkyToll signed a contract for development and operation of an electronic vignette system in Slovenia

On 27 May, the Slovenian motorway company DARS and SkyToll signed a contract for development and operation of an electronic vignette system. The signing of the contract definitively completed the tender procedure in which DARS awarded the task to […]
PRESS RELEASE      12. 05. 2021

In April, carriers paid the total amount of 1.181 billion Czech crowns for using toll roads

Prague, 12 May 2021 - In line with expectations, CzechToll recorded a significant 58-percent year-on-year increase in tolls in April. The reason for the sharp growth is the strict measures in the fight against coronavirus in April 2020, when large […]
PRESS RELEASE      12. 04. 2021

Toll collection in March reached 1.285 billion Czech crowns, an increase of 29 percent year on year

Prague, 12 April 2021 - Carriers paid almost 1.285 billion Czech crowns in tolls in March. The year-on-year growth of almost 29 percent is due not only to the new charges for noise and air pollution, which have been part of toll rates since 1 […]
PRESS RELEASE      10. 03. 2021

Carriers paid a toll of 1.087 billion Czech crowns in February

In Prague, 10 March 2021 - Toll collection from vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons grew at a double-digit rate in February as well. During February, carriers paid 1.087 billion Czech crowns for using toll roads, i.e. by 11.65 % more than in […]
PRESS RELEASE      09. 02. 2021

Toll collection grew at a double-digit rate in January, with carriers paying CZK 1.067 billion for using toll roads

Prague, 9 February 2021 - The introduction of an air pollution charge and a traffic-based noise pollution charge as of 1 January 2021 has, as expected, led to an increase in toll collection on toll roads. The toll collection increased by 12.6% […]
PRESS RELEASE      07. 01. 2021

Investment in the new toll system has paid off: the government collected over CZK 11.5 billion in tolls last year, up 5.24 % year-on-year

Prague, 7 January 2021 - The generational replacement of the toll system for lorries was a good investment for the government. Compared to the original microwave technology, the Czech Republic saved almost CZK 1 billion on the operating cost of the […]
PRESS RELEASE      17. 12. 2020

Upcoming changes in toll payment for carriers as of 1 January 2021: the crucial thing for drivers is the introduction of rates for 5 or more axles

Prague, 17 December 2020 - As of 1 January 2021, based on an amendment to Regulation of the Government 240/2014 Coll. and Decree No. 470/2012 Coll., several important changes in the electronic toll system for vehicles over 3.5 tons will come into […]
PRESS RELEASE      10. 12. 2020

Carriers paid 12 percent more in tolls in November than last year, the government collected 1.072 billion crowns for the month

Prague, 10 December 2020 - Despite ongoing economic constraints due to the fight against coronavirus, November was the second busiest month on Czech roads and motorways. Carriers paid 1.072 billion crowns in tolls, which is 12 percent more than in […]
PRESS RELEASE      01. 12. 2020

CzechToll satellite toll system celebrates the first anniversary since its launch: it recorded 950 million toll transactions, for each the government saved one crown

Prague, 1 December 2020 - Exactly a year ago, a satellite toll system for vehicles with a maximum permissible weight of over 3.5 tons was successfully launched. Thanks to massive measures, the world's first generational replacement of the toll […]
PRESS RELEASE      10. 11. 2020

In October CzechToll collected 1.11 billion crowns, up 11 percent year-on-year

Prague, 10 November 2020 - October has confirmed its position as one of the strongest months in the area of toll collection on Czech roads and motorways. CzechToll levied a total of CZK 1.11 billion in tolls for vehicles using toll roads and […]
PRESS RELEASE      02. 11. 2020

Old OBUs can be returned to the Road and Motorway Directorate only until the end of November

Prague, 2 November 2020 - Only until the end of November can carriers return their OBUs from the old microwave toll system, the operation of which was terminated on 30 November 2019. Carriers can claim back their unused credit and deposit for […]
PRESS RELEASE      08. 10. 2020

In September, CzechToll collected 1.046 billion Czech crowns in tolls, which is the highest monthly collection since the start of charging in 2006

Prague, 8 October 2020 - In September, CzechToll collected the amount of 1.046 billion Czech crowns from carries for tolls for using roads and motorways. This is the highest amount of toll collected for a month since 2006, when charging for […]
PRESS RELEASE      17. 09. 2020

The toll system discovered 135,000 offences in the first half of the year: drivers from Spain and the Czech Republic are the most frequent offenders, carriers from Slovakia are exemplary

Prague, 17 September 2020 - During the first half of this year, the new toll system revealed a total of 135,000 toll incidents (violations of rules by carriers). The most common offence committed by drivers is an incorrectly set number of axles, […]
PRESS RELEASE      08. 09. 2020

Tolls are gradually recovering for the spring crisis: the total revenues for 8 months caught up with last year’s results

Prague, 8 September 2020 - In the first eight months of this year, carriers spent almost 7.4 billion crowns on tolls. During the summer months, the electronic toll system thus erased the loss of revenue caused by a fall in road transport in March, […]
PRESS RELEASE      12. 08. 2020

In July the year-on-year growth in prescribed tolls remained above 6 percent

Prague, 12 August 2020 - In July 2020 carriers paid for driving on toll roads the total amount of CZK 982.8 million. Like in June, the growth of the prescribed tolls exceeded 6 percent - specifically, the collection increased by 6.11 percent year […]
PRESS RELEASE      09. 07. 2020

In June, toll revenues increased by 7% year-on-year to CZK 978 million, and for the entire half of the year CzechToll collected CZK 5.496 billion in tolls

Prague, 9 July 2020 - In June 2020 carriers paid the total amount of CZK 977.99 million for driving on toll roads. It represented an increase of 6.85% compared to the same period of 2019. The year-on-year growth in collected tolls was brought about […]
PRESS RELEASE      11. 06. 2020

May brought a slight revival of traffic in the Czech Republic: Toll collection increased by 14% compared to April to 852 million Czech crowns

Prague, 11 June 2020 - In May 2020 carriers paid for driving on toll roads the total amount of CZK 851.74 million. The year-on-year decline in toll collection fell from 19% in April to 13% in May. According to statistics of CzechToll, which […]
PRESS RELEASE      14. 05. 2020

As of 1 July 2020, the method of logging in the electronic toll system Customer Zone will change

Prague, 14 May 2020 - As of 1 July 2020, to log in users of the electronic toll system Customer Zone will need one of the identification tools which is accredited by the National Point for Identification and Authentication ( The […]
PRESS RELEASE      12. 05. 2020

In April, collected tolls fell by 19 percent year-on-year to 746.4 million Czech crowns

Prague, 12 May 2020 - In April 2020 CzechToll prescribed tolls for carriers for driving on toll roads in the aggregate amount of CZK 746.4 million. The year-on-year decrease in selected tolls exceeded 19 percent. The traffic intensity decreased on […]
PRESS RELEASE      30. 04. 2020

Extended maturities for toll payment can be used by carriers for 208 thousand vehicles

Prague, 30 April 2020 - Following the decision of the Government of the Czech Republic of 30 March 2020, carriers who have been negatively affected by measures related to COVID-19 and pay tolls in the Postpay mode may benefit from deferred due […]
PRESS RELEASE      11. 12. 2019

Expansion of the toll payment obligation: As of January trucks will pay tolls on these 1st category roads as well

Prague, 10 December 2019 - As of 1 January 2020, tolls for vehicles over 3.5 tons will be expanded by an additional 868 kilometres of 1st category roads. For example, I/20 road between Pilsen and České Budějovice, I/3 from Benešov towards […]
PRESS RELEASE      05. 12. 2019

CzechToll collected over 7 million Czech crowns in “new” tolls on Sunday; traffic complications are minimal at the moment

Prague, 2 December 2019 - CzechToll's new toll system is working without any problems and despite the Sunday ban on lorry driving the amount of tolls collected from carriers reached over CZK 7 million. With the first working day of the operation […]
PRESS RELEASE      04. 12. 2019

On Monday CzechToll issued 9 thousand OBUs at the border and collected more than 40 million Czech crowns in tolls on the first working day

Prague, 3 December 2019 - Since its launch, the new satellite toll system has registered more than 3.5 million vehicle passages on toll roads using the new on-board unit. CzechToll collected more than CZK 40 million in tolls on Monday. Due to the […]
PRESS RELEASE      02. 12. 2019

CzechToll successfully launched the new toll system: as a result the Czech Republic will receive 2.5 billion crowns more next year already

Prague, 1 December 2019 - CzechToll of the PPF Group successfully launched the new satellite toll system today. The Czech Republic replaced the obsolete microwave technology with a satellite one. The investment will start to pay off for the […]
PRESS RELEASE      29. 11. 2019

CzechToll doubled the capacity of the points of sale at the Czech border, it is ready to register 15 thousand vehicles coming from abroad per day

Prague, 28 November 2019 - During the expected onset of small foreign hauliers  during the launch of the new toll system, CzechToll will double the capacity of border points of sale. From an average of 60 employees, the company strengthened […]
PRESS RELEASE      28. 11. 2019

Last chance to register without queues: a week before the start of the new toll system, CzechToll points of sale are still far from full

Prague, 26 November 2019 - A week before the start of the new toll system 274 thousand vehicles are registered, 60% of the total expected number of vehicles, for the new system. In the Czech Republic, 21 thousand vehicles yet remain to be […]
PRESS RELEASE      22. 11. 2019

Extraordinary measures will reduce traffic complications upon launching the new toll system, CzechToll have invested over 50 million Czech crowns in them

Prague, 21 November 2019 - CzechToll has launched extraordinary measures aimed at minimizing traffic complications caused by small foreign hauliers who are not registering in sufficient numbers for the new toll system in the Czech Republic. The […]
PRESS RELEASE      20. 11. 2019

Two weeks before the start of the new toll system only 51% of vehicles are registered, in Poland 91% of hauliers know about the obligation to register

Prague, 19 November 2019 - In eight weeks, hauliers registered 234,000 vehicles, 51% of the expected total of 458,000, for the new toll system. In the third week before the launch of the new toll system, the average daily number of vehicles […]
PRESS RELEASE      13. 11. 2019

Truck operators are registering slowly: foreign hauliers will create tens of kilometres long queues in December

Prague, 12 November 2019 - Today CzechToll presented the results of a traffic model to the public that quantified the anticipated complications at the Czech borders at the time of launching the new toll system. Considering a minimum interest by […]
PRESS RELEASE      06. 11. 2019

Small hauliers have yet to register 287 thousand vehicles for the toll system, they face a fine of up to 100 thousand crowns

Prague, 5 November 2019 - Last week hauliers registered 32 thousand vehicles in the new toll system. In total, CzechToll has already registered 154,000 vehicles, approximately 34% of the total of 458,000 vehicles affected by the obligation to […]
PRESS RELEASE      22. 10. 2019

In the last 4 weeks the registration in the new toll system has been carried out by only 5% of small hauliers, whereas half of the big ones have already done so

Prague, 21 October 2019 - If small hauliers operating under the prepay toll mode fail to quickly fulfil their obligation to register and collect a new on-board unit, the Czech Republic is at risk of a traffic collapse in early December. While half […]
PRESS RELEASE      02. 10. 2019


Prague, 30 September 2019 – In the first week after the launch of registrations, approximately 38,000 vehicles from 4,000 hauliers registered in CzechToll’s new satellite toll system. So far, one thousand on-board units have been issued or […]
PRESS RELEASE      02. 10. 2019


Today CzechToll received the Office for the Protection of Competition decision on the validity of the contract for development and operation of the new electronic toll system in the Czech Republic. The contract is in force at the moment and the […]
PRESS RELEASE      25. 09. 2019

Registration of vehicles and issuance of on-board units for the new toll system in the Czech Republic has started

Prague, 25 September 2019 – The registration of vehicles for the new toll system in the Czech Republic has started. Hauliers are obliged to register in the new electronic toll system and to equip vehicles with the on-board unit no later than on […]
PRESS RELEASE      23. 09. 2019

CzechToll handed over 40 vehicles for mobile toll collection enforcement: they will start checking hauliers already as of 1 December 2019

Prague, 20 September 2019 - Today CzechToll delivered 40 vehicles specially designed and modified for mobile toll collection enforcement in the Czech Republic as of 1 December 2019. Vehicles, which were used for enforcement by the Customs […]
PRESS RELEASE      10. 09. 2019

CzechToll completed the production of 450 thousand on-board units in advance and started the final phase of the new toll system preparation

Prague, 10 September 2019 - CzechToll completed the production of 450 thousand on-board units 12 weeks earlier than required by the timeline for building the new toll system. It has also commenced the distribution of new OBUs to Points of Sale, […]
PRESS RELEASE      29. 07. 2019

Registration of vehicles and issuance of on-board units for the new toll system will be carried out by the Economic Chamber

Prague, 24 July 2019 - The Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic will register vehicles, their operators and toll payers, issue and collect back on-board units for the new satellite toll system, which will be launched on 1 December 2019. This is […]
PRESS RELEASE      24. 07. 2019


Prague, 19 July 2019 – An inspection day for the preparation of the new electronic toll system was held at CzechToll headquarters with the participation of the Minister of Transport, Vladimír Kremlík, and representatives of the Road and […]
PRESS RELEASE      16. 07. 2019


The new toll system, which can bring huge financial savings for the Czech Republic, is completed and we are ready to start a trial operation according to the set schedule. Kapsch built and has operated the microwave system for the last 13 years for […]
PRESS RELEASE      01. 07. 2019

The new toll system will be managed by CzechToll from the ArtGen building in Prague

Prague, 24 June 2019 - CzechToll has achieved further milestones in the preparation of the new toll system to be launched on 1 December 2019. In addition to other key components, CzechToll has  completed the preparation of the back office and […]
PRESS RELEASE      17. 05. 2019

CzechToll has the first set of 25,000 new on-board units, which hauliers can pick up as of 22.9. 2019

Prague, 14 May 2019 - CzechToll took over the first set of 25,000 on-board units (OBUs) for the new satellite toll system.  Following quality control, the production will be launched at a full capacity of 25,000 units per week. All 450,000 units […]
PRESS RELEASE      07. 03. 2019

CzechToll successfully completed the first tests of the new toll system, haulier registration to start from the beginning of October 2019

Prague, 28 February 2019 - CzechToll completed the first round of key technology tests for the new electronic toll system 150 days after signing the contract with the Ministry of Transport. This should be launched on 1 December 2019, according to […]
PRESS RELEASE      20. 09. 2018


CzechToll from the PPF Group, along with SkyToll, which operates the Slovak electronic toll system, welcome the decision of the Ministry of Transport, which has decided on the winner of the tender for a new toll system operator in the Czech […]
PRESS RELEASE      11. 04. 2018


CzechToll and SkyToll confirm that today they have signed a contract with the Ministry of Transport to build a satellite toll system in the Czech Republic. The tender won by CzechToll - a part of the PPF Group - with a price CZK 2.7 billion […]
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