PRESS RELEASE      20. 02. 2024

Costs of operating the toll system for the entire year 2023 remained the same at the level of 7 percent

Prague, 20 February 2024 – The costs of operation, maintenance and development of the electronic toll system in 2023 reached 1.05 billion Czech crowns. With the annual collection of CZK 14.914 billion, the costs remained at 7 percent of the toll revenues, just like in 2022. This ranks the satellite toll system in the Czech Republic one of the most efficient of its kind globally.

“The costs of the toll system cover not only the regular operation and adjustments related to development of the road and motorway network. Last year we also decommissioned and replaced 10 mobile enforcement vehicles used by the Customs Administration that had been used to enforce carriers’ obligations. The end-of-life vehicles had over 300 thousand kilometres on the odometer. Six new control gantries were also built in 2022 as a result of the expansion of charging. A significant update of the system was the connection to the European Electronic Toll Service provider,” said Petr Chvátal, CzechToll CEO.

In January, carriers paid a total of 1.232 billion Czech crowns for tolls on motorways and selected sections of 1st category roads. Compared to January 2023, this represented 6.1 percent more. CzechToll’s satellite toll system recorded almost 90 million toll transactions in the first month of this year, up 4.3 percent year-on-year.

Over 55 percent of the tolls collected in January were paid by foreign carriers, while less than 45 percent were paid by the operators of vehicles registered in the Czech Republic. In January 89 percent of toll revenues was paid by carriers for driving on motorways.

At the end of January 832 thousand vehicles weighing over 3.5 tons were registered in the electronic toll system, of which 655 thousand vehicles had foreign license plate numbers. For these registered vehicles, CzechToll issued 646 thousand on-board units to carriers.

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